
What you can do during COVID-19!

  1. Prepare food supplies and daily necessities

Try not to leave the house if there is no urgent need. For those of you who are still working / attending school, choose work from home / distance learning options if possible. This will also make it easier for you who care for parents at home in monitoring their situation.

Prepare a backup of groceries and daily necessities to ensure your needs are met while avoiding going out. No need to hoard too much, reserve for 2 weeks to 1 month is enough. It is better to buy goods to replenish supplies regularly (for example every week), compared to buying items in excess (hoarding), which will result in scarcity of goods which creates difficulties for other families.

  1. Avoid the crowd as much as possible

Try not to gather in a crowd. When traveling by public transportation, avoid traveling at peak times (rush hour). Arrange a schedule to shop for basic necessities at one time, so you don’t need to go outside many times.

  1. Maintain physical distance between yourself and others (at least 2 meters)

Try to maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from others. This is a safe distance to make sure you don’t get infected.

dr. Tara P. Sani, MSc
dr. Saskia Mariska, MPH
Virginia Geraldine Hanny Prasetya, S. Psi


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