In case 2 out of 10 Alzheimer dementia symptoms are found, consult a doctor immediately.
To conduct self-examination on Alzheimer suspicion, better see general practitioner for further referral to neurologist, psychiatric, or geriatrics as these three specialists are already accustomed on diagnosing and dealing with such cases. This can be done at the nearby hospital, as long as family find it comfortable to discuss. If there is a doctor who used to handle and you fits with him, better ask for his recommendation for facilitating future control.
Hereinafter, on certain cases, referred further to consult with sub-specialist of neurobehaviour, neurogeriatrics, neuropsychiatric (psycho-geriatrics) for in-depth interview.
Before seeing the doctor, better make an appoinment for Alzheimer check up first, so that paramedics know and canprepare the instruments needed, as well as setting up enough time (thinking function disorder examination usually takes longer time compared to other nerve-related cases such as stroke, headache, etc)
If you use Indonesian National Health Insurance System/ BPJS, firstly visit Public Health Center (Puskesmas)/Klinik Pratama that used to treat you. General practitionerswill generally ask about track-records of disorder experienced, and do general physical examination to make sure disorders do not caused by other systemic diseases. If there is a need for further investigation, it will be referred to the neurologist/ psychiatrist/ geriatrician at the hospital. Psychologist will sometimes be involved on medical examination.
While visiting the doctor, better take notes ofsymptoms found bythe familydue to Alzheimer suspicion, along with coherent estimated times. For instance, in 2017, start to often forget where is the location of putting goods and in 2018 tend to be quiet. These notes will help doctor to make diagnosis. Generally,check up covers neuropsychology test (oral dan written questions). If deemed necessary to determine dementia, continue for general physical examination and neurology, neuropsychiatric, neurogeriatric, other supported-test with CT SCAN, MRI, PET SCAN and Laboratorium check to look for: hypertension, heart disease, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and so on.